obsidian-banners icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
obsidian-banners copied to clipboard

Theme Compatibility

Open creativefibro opened this issue 2 years ago • 4 comments

There seems to be a problem with the Minimal theme in the first image in the edit mode all is fine, but when you switch to reading mode the banner squishes up and overlaps with the writing. CleanShot 2022-06-30 at 4 25 30@2x CleanShot 2022-06-30 at 4 26 02@2x .

creativefibro avatar Jul 01 '22 12:07 creativefibro

Same here. I am using the Things Theme. Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-25 um 01 27 06 Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-25 um 01 27 52

MaximilianHeidenreich avatar Aug 24 '22 23:08 MaximilianHeidenreich

Found a quick and dirty way to fix it using the following custom CSS snippet:

.obsidian-banner-wrapper {
    position: static !important; /* Full width banner, remove for banner with same size as note content */
    margin-top: unset !important;
    margin-bottom: calc(var(--banner-height) + 0px); /* Adjust spacing between banner & content as needed */

Note: Have not tested it with icons yet, as I don't use them...

Might create a Pull-Request for a real fix in the future. Until it is fixed, just create a banner-readmode-fix.css file inside yourVaultDir/.obsidian/snippets and enable it inside the Obsidian settings at the bottom of the Appearance category. @creativefibro

Preview: Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-25 um 01 43 55

MaximilianHeidenreich avatar Aug 24 '22 23:08 MaximilianHeidenreich

Thank you, @MaximilianHeidenreich! Was having the same problem and your snippet fixed it right up.

I'm using the Obsidian Nord Enhanced theme, FWIW.

mjs271 avatar Oct 16 '22 19:10 mjs271