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Results 19 bibsearch issues
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As per the instructions I execute `bibsearch add bib://list` and getting the following error ``` acl The ACL Anthology [https://aclanthology.coli.uni-] nips The NIPS conference [] pmlr Proceedings of machine...

Brew 2.0 doesn't support arguments anymore: Thus `brew reinstall sqlite3 --with-fts5` doesn't work, which means that it's not clear how to install sqlite3 with fts. (Not necessarily your problem,...

I just installed and got the following error: ``` bibsearch add bib://list acl The ACL Anthology [https://aclanthology.coli.uni-] nips The NIPS conference [] pmlr Proceedings of machine learning research (includes...

The entries in `acl.yml` refer to the old ACL anthology and seem to have no equivalents in the new ACL anthology. I guess it should be changed to use

Can we download all pdfs? Right now we have to provide some keyword such as `2018` or `2019` to download pdfs, which is troublesome, instead, it would be very helpful...

This is a proof of concept of something @mjpost wanted for some time. With this PR we can include \cite commands with arbitrary terms and `bibsearch tex` will execute a...

With 1b4918d we make use of the name parsing provided by pybtex. I think we can then simplify and remove the name handling we took over from biblib, which...

WRT Issue #35 ## What's done: - removes default config file set in argparser - adds method in Config for getting existing config file if arg isn't set ## What...

It would be helpful to have a way to update each workshop from this list: We could do it manually but it's also a bit difficult to map each...

(from the guidelines [here]( The config could be looked up at these standard locations, in order: 1) `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/bibsearch/config` 2) `$HOME/.config/bibsearch/config` 3) (current) `$HOME/.bibsearch/config` Similarly, the `lastSearch.yaml`, `bib.db`, and `download_dir` could...