Mark Jimenez
Mark Jimenez
I tried out your app and it's failing whenever there's two *.pbxproj files in the project root directory. My second pbxproj file is used by cocoapods. I think you should...
As previously discussed, GoogleWebRTC binary has naming conflicts with some of iOS's classes that may cause a crash in some devices. Reference: Also in the same issue someone has...
This will listen to reachability changes (internet connectivity). Users of this class can check changes by subscribing to a publisher (check `Combine` framework) exposed by the Reachability class. iOS 12...
Crash happens when connecting to a signalling server using `GoogleWebRTC`. Issue was also found here: Safe to say, Apple probably won't fix this on their end and we're...
Code for generating diffs is in `TorchTrainingModule`. Serializing diffs is in `SyftProtoExtensions`
File is located here:
While the MNIST Loader is not part of the SwiftSyft library, it does demonstrate how to load data and transform it to be able to be consumed by our torchscript...