Michael Jeronimo
Michael Jeronimo
To be compatible with easy_install, it would be nice to have the build process generate the final .egg file (and not just the egg-info directory). Otherwise, I'm having to zip...
Using IKOS in Google tests projects results in IKOS detecting unreachable code in global C++ objects. Apparently, IKOS is examining these global functions/constructors but sees no path to them from...
In order to integrate with the Jenkins CI/CD tool, it would be helpful to have IKOS output detected issues in the JUnit XML format, which is understood by Jenkins.
New users would benefit by having more rqt-related documentation. There is [infomation and tutorials on rqt on the ROS 1 Wiki ](http://wiki.ros.org/rqt/) that could be ported over to the ROS...
## Guides/Developing-a-ROS-2-Package.html * "Creating a package" - "in your workspace (usually ~/ros2_ws/src)". I would expect your workspace would be named after your project. For example, "nav2_ws" or "carma_ws." ## Guides/Developing-a-ROS-2-Package.html...
Reading through the ROS 2 documentation, the following sections were unclear to me. ## Concepts/About-Composition.html * "ROS 2 - Unified API" - "This makes it easy to add common concepts...
Reviewing the ROS 2 documentation, the following sections may need updates: ## Concepts/About-Catment.html * This page has a few TODO items. Are they still current? ## Concepts/About-Internal-Interfaces.html * "The ROSIDL...
Reviewing the ROS 2 documentation, the following pages need editing: ## Guides/Launch-files-migration-guide.html * This page could use some basic editing ## Related-Projects.html * This page needs an editing pass for...
Reading through the ROS 2 documentation, I had the following questions: ## Guides/Overriding-QoS-Policies-For-Recording-And-Playback.html * "Using QoS Overrides" - "Policy values are determined by the policy's short keys, which can be...
Using a fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04 and following the latest instructions for a Debian-based install of ROS 2 (https://docs.ros.org/en/rolling/Installation/Ubuntu-Install-Debians.html), it is not currently possible to run through all of...