Michael Jeronimo
Michael Jeronimo
As a relative newcomer to BehaviorTrees, the semantic difference between ``` ``` and ``` ``` is clear to me. However, I find "ReactiveSequence or ReactiveFallback must not have more than...
Ok, thanks Mabel. I'll take a look at #443. Perhaps we could separate some of the PRs into more basic functionality (rosbag2_transport level) and then app-level changes (like ros2bag and...
However it's implemented, I recommend getting in the most basic functionality first: pause/resume first in a PR, along with tests. I could also use an add_listener-type function so that I...
Yes, IMO, parameter changes can happen in whichever state is appropriate. For example, with the Navigation stack, during the on_configure callback I tended to do the heavyweight memory allocations, etc....
So, using a Lifecycle node for the implementation and mapping the recorder's pause to the node's deactivate() and resume to activate seems reasonable to me. Personally, I found Lifecycle nodes...
Well, if you use this route, using a lifecycle node is really orthogonal to controlling playback (pause/resume). That is, using a lifecycle node can be done separately from the playback...
Well, first a few things about lifecycle nodes that make things a bit tricky: * Publishers created by a lifecycle node have to be explicitly activated. This typically happens in...
Ok, I see. Sound like a good reason to introduce the lifecycle nodes then.
@emersonknapp I'm going through my issue backlog and was taking at look at this issue. It seems since pause/resume has been implemented and #1075 has been created, this issue can...
@dzywater I've downloaded Release 4 from here: https://github.com/ros2/ros2/releases/tag/release-foxy-20201211 and tried to reproduce, but wasn't able to. Is see that there is a package.xml file in share\rviz_default_plugins. If I rename this...