I was just beginning to wonder at this issue. tl;dr Is the approach still valid though? It does appear to work at least. Though another downside is that it stores...
Yes, fair point :)
@Overv I just did some quick checks. Printed out all `indice` : `.vertex_index` and `.texcoord_index` to separate files; and a list of the combinations as well. Then ran this `cat...
Ah, I suppose these are cases where two separate faces touch, therefore share same vertices and texcoords, and for whatever reason were saved in the file as separate vertices/texcoords.
@fake-rookie do you have more than one GPU? Since I updated kernel recently, I got `segfaults` that I don't remember having before. I've got an intel GPU and discrete nvidia...
This was just shared with me on irc: [vulkan api](https://gpuopen.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Vulkan-API.png)
also found this: [Understanding Vulkan Objects](https://gpuopen.com/understanding-vulkan-objects/) haven't gone through thoroughly yet, but looks useful
Ok, so I had failed to test this script properly https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issues/1678#issuecomment-313303096 It does work, but because my non-root user cannot su/do I have to be logged in over ssh twice,...
Thanks alot @brauner - much appreciated. I did have some success with the little script that @stgraber shared [here](https://github.com/lxc/lxc/issues/1678#issuecomment-313303096), though the `systemd-run` solution should maybe prove a bit simpler to...
Both yielded `"Failed to create bus connection: No such file or directory"`. Am reading more into systemd to see if I can figure this out.