Michael Yu

Results 6 comments of Michael Yu

It's less efficient API use, but could RES implement this via a client-side filter? I've prototyped filtering by X Days Ago to Y Days Ago (e.g. `2*365;3*31` for 2 years...

I can contribute a patch if someone can tell me if RES has an internal way of doing the following: 1. Add to search bar (links from: ...) with a...

Would this allow _using variables_ to be passed as ref values? ```csharp struct X : IDisposable { public void Dispose() {} } void SomeHelper(ref X x) { } void Main()...

Hi there, thank you for this. I'll try to compile & test tomorrow. =)

I'd be willing to accept a PR, but don't have the time to do this right now.

Relevant blog post from jetbrains: [Rider EAP 17: NuGet, unit testing, good and bad news on debugging](https://blog.jetbrains.com/dotnet/2017/02/15/rider-eap-17-nuget-unit-testing-build-debugging/)