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Advanced search wizard/form
It would be swell to add a form to the search page with structured inputs for advanced options, such as timestamps <input type="date" name="from">
... <input type="date" name="to">
, subreddit multi-select (like in settings), <input type="text" name="domain">
, etc.
Related #970
AFIK there is no way to set a from and to time, no ?
to and from time
you can restrict search by time. the syntax isn't on the search wiki page, but it looks something like
timestamp: 1402414200000...1402414221636
18:06:58 matheod_ 18:07:05 andytuba that looks right 18:07:59 matheod_ it don't work with me 18:08:00 matheod_ 18:08:14 andytuba try adding syntax=cloudsearch 18:08:17 andytuba to your query 18:09:21 matheod_ still doesn't work 18:09:26 matheod_ 18:10:10 andytuba i dunno man 18:10:19 andytuba take the thing that works and adapt that to what you want 18:10:51 andytuba like, gradually tweak/add bits to it 18:11:22 matheod_ 18:11:23 matheod_ Hum 18:11:27 matheod_ it's a very specific syntax 18:11:34 matheod_ it's strange 18:11:58 matheod_ seem to work only with title 18:12:09 matheod_ Not sure we can really implement this :/ 18:12:26 andytuba shucks 18:13:57 andytuba 18:14:17 andytuba that looks promising 18:16:18 andytuba (and author_field:"matheod" timestamp:##…## subreddit:restests) 18:16:25 andytuba &syntax=cloudsearch 18:16:28 andytuba that'll prob get you somewher 18:16:44 andytuba
Timestamp searches seems like a good pain point for RES to address. This is a feature of reddit search that's virtually inaccessible to the average user. I doubt even the average reddit poweruser knows it exists.
Right now, in order to do a timestamp-based search you need to change your search query to use Lucene/cloudsearch's obscure syntax, convert whatever dates you're searching for into UNIX-style epoch timestamps, and manually add "&syntax=cloudsearch" to the search page's URL. This makes for a painful experience and is well beyond the capability of non-technical users.
Having tried to do this manually several times, and getting frustrated with the conversions and system, I would gladly welcome this addition to RES. The fact that it doesn't exist in reddit proper still blows my mind.
Timestamp is probably no longer feasible
It's less efficient API use, but could RES implement this via a client-side filter?
I've prototyped filtering by X Days Ago to Y Days Ago (e.g. 2*365;3*31
for 2 years ago to 3 months ago, or 3*31;0
shorthand 3*31
for 3 months ago til now) here in the form of a bookmarklet. It's compatible with infinite scrolling and expandos. I explored a few modes (hide filtered entries, fade filtered entries, 50%-scale filtered entries) -- enable them by uncommenting.
License: Public Domain
javascript:(() => {
var thresholds = prompt("days? (e.g. -3mo to now)", "3*31;0").split(";");
var lowerThreshold = +(new Date()) - eval(thresholds[0]) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var upperThreshold = +(new Date()) - eval(thresholds[1] || 0) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var seen = new Set();
setInterval(() => {
[...document.querySelectorAll(".thing")].forEach(thing => {
if (seen.has(thing)) return;
var dt = thing.querySelector("time")?.dateTime;
if (!dt) return;
var time = +(new Date(dt));
if (lowerThreshold < time && time < upperThreshold) return;
/* uncomment to hide entry */
/* = "none"; /**/
[".top-matter", ".midcol", ".rank", ".thumbnail"].forEach(sel => {
var el = thing.querySelector(sel);
/* uncomment to fade entry */
/* = "0.5"; /**/
/* uncomment to fade entry but not thumbnail */
/* if (sel != ".thumbnail") = "0.5"; /**/
/* uncomment to make entry smaller */
/* = "scale(0.5)"; = "top left"; /**/
}, 1000);
Here's my favorite mode (fade entry but not thumbnail)
I can contribute a patch if someone can tell me if RES has an internal way of doing the following:
- Add to search bar (links from: ...) with a label and calendar/textbox
- Hook page load & infinite scroll
- Event for applying appearance changes to listing thing rows
Edit: Oh wait, for anyone else looking for this, there's a tiny filter icon in RES that you can specify before/after dates with!