I have tried this solution but the simulation window is not even opening . It crashes from the beginning. Are there any certain configurations for the simulation in the make...
 Hello again Serge, it is working now. However, I have no idea why it is stopping at address 0 in the rom. Do you have any suggestions?
I am running the testbench without modifying anything.
Unfortunately, No
I think trying the make file is a good solution . However, To remove srun from the make file , Can I just comment all lines containing SRUN command. I...
Moreover, I have nullified DDR component . Therefore , I think I do not need to link SIP with my simulation , right?
I have just used it but it is the same output I think the problem is in cache as in my program v_resp_valid in instruction_cache is not set to 1...
Actually, I have tried it and it is not working also , Serge
Can you please try to simulate it on xsim , So that I know that the problem is not in my environmnent? Thank you for your efforts
Hello Serge again, I have found the bug that stopped the simulation. Here ctrl_path_id was displaying x value for me in simualtion and this causes the simulation to stop before...