
Results 199 issues of mitchmindtree

I'm considering using an `ArrayVec` as a small stack to keep track of pressed buttons on a mouse in conrod, however I noticed that it does not impl `Copy`. Seeing...

Hi @danburkert, sorry about the delay! The switch took a little longer than expected and it's been long enough since I've implemented a `serde` (`De`)`Serializer` pair that a lot had...

I'm using a sled `Tree` under the hood as a simple DB in a personal project. I'd like to be able to remove the oldest entries as the disk usage...


This makes sense of course as we divide by the magnitude! However it can be a little tricky for newer users to hunt down the source of these NaNs. Processing...

This is not a bug! I'm just hoping to get some advice :bowing_man: In order to create a multi-window application, one must create multiple swap chains. My current understanding is...

I've already professed my excitement for RLSL in #40, but here I'd like to get a stronger idea about the kind of future you envisage for the project and the...

Thanks so much for this crate @phaazon :) I was planning on using this along with a json crate to create a small lib for parsing ISF aka [Interactive Shader...

question & discussion

I just attempted to parse a large collection of test shaders, and they all worked beautifully, except one! Here's the culprit in its entirey: ```glsl /*{ "CATEGORIES": [ "Dissolve" ],...

Hey folks, just came across noise-rs, looking really nice! I often use 1D noise functions when working with audio or for any kind of pattern generation over time. I'd love...


Previously, a user could be mistaken for thinking a single plugin could only ever provide a single command. This note should help clarify that a plugin can provide more than...
