Mitchell O'Hara-Wild

Results 118 issues of Mitchell O'Hara-Wild

A useful alternative interface for `dist_mixture()` would accept a vector of distributions and return a single value. Similar to the semantics of `paste(collapse="")`. @robjhyndman, this will constitute a lower interface...

Comparisons are a reasonable operation to perform on a vector, and so a reasonable approach for comparing distributions with numbers or distributions is required. This is especially problematic when inverting...


Monotonic transformations are required for quantiles to be accurate.

The separation of data between modelling and forecasting steps (or other model functions) can result in errors, or worse misalignment in contrasts. An example that causes an error is given...

> First, this has nothing to do with the hts package. You are using the forecast reconcilation procedures in the fabletools package. > > Second, your example consists of a...

This could need changing, or better documentation - more info here:

# User-defined control parameters. 1. Construction - [ ] Projection - [ ] Structural - [ ] ERM (low-priority) 2. Weight matrix (typically requires access to model object and varies...

help wanted

Should the model object also store these parameters? From #103 ``` r library(fable) #> Loading required package: fabletools library(dplyr) #> #> Attaching package: 'dplyr' #> The following objects are masked...

Possibly related to #366, the `` class will be expanded and formalised to describe the aggregation structure and constraints across these models. This layer is required to implement computations across...