Results 47 comments of Misty De Méo

Where is `ocamlbuild` installed? Is `sudo` set up to sanitize your PATH/the environment? It looks like `ocamlbuild` isn't available to your root user.

I'd like to second @KurzGedanke's comment. I find myself swiping to another application, or swiping up and closing the app, pretty often just because the pinwheel UI is right near...

I'm afraid I no longer work at GitHub, so while I'm still a Hubot maintainer I'm not able to drive the conversation from that perspective.

> Change the name of the type alias to QuickResult (or something like that, feel free to bikeshed) I'd also really like to see it moved out of the prelude...

I test-drove this with a quick tool I ported from C to Rust: Also looking at using it in some of my other projects.

Is there a way that users could help out to ensure you're confident in a release? Like other users have mentioned, I'm interested in features mentioned in the README that...

Thank you very much! I've updated a project to use it.

Sorry to bump an older issue, but - is this still an issue? Is there any assistance I can provide from the Homebrew side?

I think this would be pretty popular publicly, too. I definitely agree we should go for this one. I'm going to provisionally tag it as a 350-hour project.

I love this idea too. I'm going to mark it as a 175 hour project, but let me know if you think it should be 350 hours instead.