Pat O'Neill

Results 44 comments of Pat O'Neill

Our [React and Video.js guide]( demonstrates a workflow for how to use Video.js with React. There are samples in there on using Video.js with both class components and functional components....

This issue has been open for a while, but we didn't get around to investigating it yet. Thank you for providing a reduced test case, though! Can you try it...

This sort of thing would happen if the player's seekable ranges are incomplete - which it gets from the stream itself. It sounds like this was an issue with the...

This issue has been open for a while, but we didn't get around to investigating it. If this is still an issue in a current version of Video.js, please open...

This issue has been open for a while, but we didn't get around to investigating it. If this is still an issue in a current version of Video.js, please open...

This issue has been open for a while, but we didn't get around to investigating it. The player's `currentTime()` method is the correct one to use here. In cases of...

This issue has been open for a while, but we didn't get around to investigating it. If this is still an issue in a current version of Video.js, please open...

As an open source project with limited resources, it's very unlikely we will be able to investigate issues reported the same day (or week, or month). Is there a way...

Do you have a sample stream that reproduces the issue?

@Essk This sounds like the issue you were investigating internally at Brightcove.