Pat O'Neill

Results 44 comments of Pat O'Neill

Can verify that this happens in the provided example. It looks like the `vjs-has-started` class is not properly toggled in this case.

Video.js 7.13.3 is pretty old, you might try updating. Also, what does "long" mean in this context? 30 minutes? Two hours? I'm not sure what we'll be able to do...

Video.js and VHS are compiled at publish time, so the files in `dist/` cannot be modified by simply updating dependencies. You'd probably have to fork VHS (at least), create a...

It definitely stops playing, but playback is not my area of expertise. - videojs-contrib-hls is an outdated project that is no longer used - current versions of Video.js use videojs/http-streaming...

In the future, reporting issues in English would be helpful as it is spoken by core collaborators to Video.js. From Google, translation is: > After installing the dependencies, initialize them...

I could see what @gkatsev is saying, but I could also believe the other situation. You mention in the original issue that `vjs-waiting` is applied before `vjs-paused`, which suggests the...

> Based on your description of what's happening, it sounds like your media server likely has missing capabilities like responding to range requests. This sounds likely. In that case, there's...

How is autoplay working if the video element is not muted? That should not be possible without changing Safari's permissions to be more lenient. This may be a side-effect of...

> Or is there something else I am not understanding? I don't think setting `hasStarted` manually is necessarily going to be harmful. I would say that you'd probably want to...

No updates @Mikhail1Demianenko since it was the weekend. I'm not sure when we'll get to this, but it should be a fairly straightforward fix. If you'd like to give it...