Pat O'Neill

Results 44 comments of Pat O'Neill

Thanks for the issue @patrickcusack! Assuming that our playback engine is used, you could consider enabling `experimentalBufferBasedABR`. While the flag still says experimental, it's been vetted pretty extensively and the...

I'm not able to reproduce anything using the link provided. It fails to playback and the player CSS does not appear to be included.

I could see something like that being very useful! It's not something we're going to be able to prioritize in the short term (if ever), but if you or anyone...

If I am understanding the issue correctly, I think this is expected behavior based on this comment: ``` // Check if this browser supports moving the element into the box....

Have you identified the source of the error? Is it Video.js or videojs-contrib-dash?

A few items here are not complete, but we may push them out. They are: - Update menus on change, rather than recreating a whole new menu (performance). Adding a...

> The menus thing likely can happen as a fix/feat. I think it was here to consider whether we wanted to rethink how menus get reloaded altogether? I remember a...

Hi @zhulduz The `contentResuming` property will be `false` by default. What is the value of `this.adsReady` when this happens? Also, are you changing sources during ad playback? That's currently not...

It sounds like the root cause of your troubles is probably the same as in #464 - so, let's focus on that issue first.

This issue has been open for a while, but we didn't get around to investigating it. If this is still an issue in a current version of Video.js, please open...