Michael Steil
Michael Steil
[Larry/R.O.L.E.](https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=7207) commented [here](https://www.pagetable.com/?p=1641#comment-714215): > am I correct, that Punter still depends on 1MHz timings in your Version ? Means it doesn’t run in Turbo Mode on TC64 / U64 /...
[Larry/R.O.L.E.](https://csdb.dk/scener/?id=7207) commented [here](https://www.pagetable.com/?p=1641#comment-714215): > Now that X-Modem1K is in, what about adding some additional Bytes to support Y-Modem batch too which is infact X-Modem1k with Multifile support? I also added...
The User Port RS232 driver currently calls into the KERNAL to set up some registers. Some modified versions of the KERNAL, like DolphinDOS and SpeedDOS have the RS232 code removed,...
The second download (1K blocks) of the XMODEM test fails for * GLINK232 cartridge with R65C51P4/11470-14/0029 chip, jumpered for DE00/NMI * 38400 baud It does not reproduce with * VICE...
When running the XMODEM test with the UP9600 driver, CCGMS sends an $FF byte before sending NAK/'C'. This does not happen with the User Port or SwiftLink driver. This reproduces...
The UP9600 driver does this: lda #$41 ; quick (and dirty) hack to switch back sta $dc05 ; to the default CIA1 configuration Instead, it should write the proper 16...
The [WiC64](https://www.wic64.de) is a user port WiFi adapter. Instead of speaking the Hayes command set over RS232, it uses a custom binary command set over an 8-bit parallel port. This...
In order to connect to BBSes intended for PC or C128, a 80 column mode would be useful. 40/80 columns should be switchable, and only the terminal should ever be...