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config.content should be resolved relative to the config file for PostCSS dependencies

Open mischnic opened this issue 2 years ago • 11 comments

What version of Tailwind CSS are you using?


What build tool (or framework if it abstracts the build tool) are you using?

Parcel 2 👋

What version of Node.js are you using?


What operating system are you using?


Describe your issue

If you have a tailwind config file like

module.exports = {
    content: ["index.html"],
    theme: {
        extend: {},
    plugins: [],

, I think content should be relative to that config file.

However, it is resolved relative to the process's working directory.

fileOrGlob here is "index.html".


and then path.resolve(file) resolved it relative to the cwd. It should be path.resolve(path.dirname(configPath), file) instead:


This results in a PostCSS dependency message with a filepath of ${cwd}/index.html, regardless of where that file is actually located.

mischnic avatar Dec 14 '21 21:12 mischnic

@mischnic Hey! So I think this is a totally valid idea, however this would be a breaking change, so it's not inconsequential from our perspective. It honestly might mean it has to wait until v4.0. It's too bad you didn't get this to us about a week ago — we just launched v3.0 last Thursday 😫

That said, maybe there is still something we can do to help. If you can provide more information on why this is important for Parcel (what's the primary issue you're trying to solve?), maybe there's another way to fix it. For example, maybe we can add an option in Tailwind to toggle this behavior.

Practically speaking for us, we haven't had any users over the last four years report this as an issue — at least that we can remember.

reinink avatar Dec 15 '21 21:12 reinink

Here's an example of how this is broken with just PostCSS CLI and printing the messages: https://github.com/mischnic/tailwind-issue-6516

Run yarn first

Then node run.js (in the root) will behave as expected:

    plugin: 'tailwindcss',
    parent: undefined,
    type: 'dir-dependency',
    dir: '.../tailwind-issue-6516/src',
    glob: '**/*.html'
    plugin: 'tailwindcss',
    parent: undefined,
    type: 'dependency',
    file: '.../tailwind-issue-6516/src/index.js'
    plugin: 'tailwindcss',
    parent: undefined,
    type: 'dependency',
    file: '.../tailwind-issue-6516/tailwind.config.js'

But then cd src && node ../run.js references many non-existant files (because of the src/src/ part). So watching cannot possibly work:

    plugin: 'tailwindcss',
    parent: undefined,
    type: 'dir-dependency',
    dir: '.../tailwind-issue-6516/src/src',
    glob: '**/*.html'
    plugin: 'tailwindcss',
    parent: undefined,
    type: 'dependency',
    file: '.../tailwind-issue-6516/src/src/index.js'
    plugin: 'tailwindcss',
    parent: undefined,
    type: 'dependency',
    file: '.../tailwind-issue-6516/tailwind.config.js'

And furthermore (I hadn't noticed this until now), the classes used in the code aren't actually detected in the second case. So this isn't only about the dependencies being wrong

So the fundamental question here is how you want content to work:

  • Should it be as it is now? Then having a big monorepo with many subpackage and corresponding src packages would only use the classes referenced in each subpackage (with the cwd being the subpackage)
  • Or should it actually be relative to the root. Then you'd need to copy the tailwind config file into each subproject to get the same behaviour.

mischnic avatar Dec 15 '21 23:12 mischnic

This is an issue in angular workspaces as well. Having tailwind.config.js in one of the project doesn't resolve relative paths correctly after updating to v3. One has to provide full path from the root.

config file path: projects/app/tailwind.config.js

content: [

rather than

content: [

ghost avatar Jan 27 '22 07:01 ghost

Maybe there is still something we can do to help. If you can provide more information on why this is important for Parcel. www.njmcdirect.com

Farr69 avatar Mar 07 '22 08:03 Farr69

This is a problem for Wordpress themes also where all template files live in the root folder.

k33n8nc avatar Apr 14 '22 04:04 k33n8nc

Tailwind CLI user here.

This is unexpected pain point. The documentation states files referenced in the content section of tailwind.config.js should be relative to the "project root." But, that does not make sense always.

For example, I am using tailwind CLI with a build system, please.build, that copies files into an off source temporary directory when generating build targets. Since there is no proper way to configure the path for temporary build directory the concept of project root does not makes sense. Some sort of flag for configuring this behavior would be nice.

aronggile avatar Jul 26 '22 22:07 aronggile

I'm also a (new) Tailwind CLI user. Having a --config switch leads me to think that the paths are (should be) relative to the config.

I'm also using a build system that moves files to a temp dir and this makes things a little more difficult.

maybe there's another way to fix it. For example, maybe we can add an option in Tailwind to toggle this behavior.

Perhaps a boolean --paths-relative-to-config switch/option? Something like that. The default could change after a version bump and not be a problem.

Regards, iain

yb66 avatar Aug 23 '22 09:08 yb66

Just wasted 3 hours on this. If this can't be fixed soon, at least mention this in the documentation somewhere. Or suggest using absolute paths.

architchandra avatar Aug 30 '22 21:08 architchandra

Just wasted 3 hours on this. If this can't be fixed soon, at least mention this in the documentation somewhere. Or suggest using absolute paths.

Imagine how much more time you would have wasted if you had to build the entire CSS framework yourself instead of leveraging years of other peoples' work for free? Nothing is perfect, don't be a dick dude — I have absolutely zero patience for that.

adamwathan avatar Aug 31 '22 00:08 adamwathan

Hey, sorry @adamwathan. The intent was not to be this harsh but I guess I was too sleep-deprived and frustrated to keep my emotions in check. I hugely value Tailwind and the work that you all do, so it felt quite hurtful when I saw such a strong response from you. But it was my mistake to begin with and I take responsibility for that. :)

architchandra avatar Aug 31 '22 04:08 architchandra

If it helps anyone, project root refers to the directory tailwind CLI is invoked from. That is, the working directory of the CLI. Not the .git root of your project.

Maybe it was easy to miss, at least for me, but the @mischnic has stated this clearly:

I think content should be relative to that config file. However, it is resolved relative to the process's working directory.

To make the CLI work as intended, switching to the directory containing tailwind.cofnig.js before invoking it should do the trick.

aronggile avatar Aug 31 '22 13:08 aronggile

We've prepped a feature for v3.2 (in #9396) that will allow you to do this! You can specify your content paths like so and we will look for them relative to the config file:

module.exports = {
  content: {
    relative: true,
    files: [
  // …

This is available in our insiders release which you can install using npm install tailwindcss@insiders

Thanks for your patience! ✨

thecrypticace avatar Sep 23 '22 12:09 thecrypticace