Yu-Kun Qian

Results 13 issues of Yu-Kun Qian

I love the high-level API of this package and it's efficient. There are lots of geoscience applications that need vertical-coordinate transformation, like converting the pressure-level data to isentropic levels in...

I run the following code snippet using 0.7.0 version of `xgcm`: ```python import xarray as xr import xgcm from xgcm.autogenerate import generate_grid_ds print(xgcm.__version__) dset = xr.tutorial.open_dataset('air_temperature') ds = generate_grid_ds(dset, {'X':dset.lon,...


Recently, I update xgcm from 0.5.0 to 0.7.0 and re-run a script doing some diagnostics using outputs from MITgcm. The codes of loading data and assign a new time coordinates...


Thanks to you guys for this handy package. I had to use time-varying bins when I tried to calculate the area enclosed by tracer contours, as the tracer changes with...

`xhistogram` is great tool for one of my project that bins tropical cyclone (TC) records into gridded data as the frequency of occurrence. However, it is done using a non-overlapping...

I need to align a cartopy 2D map subplot with a 1D line subplot (zonal-mean or meridional mean of the 2D data), using the following code: ```python import xarray as...

[`GrADS`](http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/) support a type of [station data](http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/aboutstationdata.html). Not so sure if someone need to read in the station data. Since there is no objective analysis method like [oacres](http://cola.gmu.edu/grads/gadoc/gradfuncoacres.html), plotting the...


After a careful reading of those papers, especially [Holliday and McIntyre (1981, JFM)](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-fluid-mechanics/article/on-potential-energy-density-in-an-incompressible-stratified-fluid/75CBC2DE788C9D22EA211BE91C4F2167), [McIntyre and Shepherd (1987, JFM)](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-fluid-mechanics/article/an-exact-local-conservation-theorem-for-finiteamplitude-disturbances-to-nonparallel-shear-flows-with-remarks-on-hamiltonian-structure-and-on-arnolds-stability-theorems/880A72BEFC52B98D82D64CC67DD78FB9), [Roullet and Klein (2009, JFM)](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-fluid-mechanics/article/available-potential-energy-diagnosis-in-a-direct-numerical-simulation-of-rotating-stratified-turbulence/906E71577A230B90B48D8CEB442EE873), [Kang and Fringer (2010, JPO)](https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/phoc/40/11/2010jpo4497.1.xml#:~:text=A%20comparison%20of%20three%20common%20formulations%20for%20calculating,and%20its%20approximation%20for%20linear%20stratification%20%28APE%203%29.), and [Huang...


This is raised by @[AminFazlKazemi](https://github.com/AminFazlKazemi). >well If the equivalent latitude is chosen perfect, you can fill in values painted as light blue in white space below Equivalent Latitude so The...

This is raised by @[AminFazlKazemi](https://github.com/AminFazlKazemi). Let's resolve it one by one. >Any way, I have also another request. There is also another method for calculating LWA on isentropic surface :...