Yu-Kun Qian
Yu-Kun Qian
@rabernat I've suffered a lot in parsing large flt outputs (reading from different tiles, grouping records by IDs and sorting them by datetime). Recently, I've started to use python pkg...
> Y Kostov reported that interpolation of tracers along 3D particles seems to show spikes When I tried to sample the model state using 3D floats (flt pkg), I found...
Paola Cessi from Scripps Institution of Oceanography told me that: > the FLT package as it is now interpolates all fields using neighboring points, including land points. This is OK...
This is cool. I had a similar thought on this too. Maybe we could hardcode some predefined coordinates of the camera, in acceleration and decceleration fashions so that the zoom-in...
I love the 'pop up' feature!!! Visualization is always great.
It is interesting. I was doing something similar too. I think I would add more functions like: ``` python laplacian = grid.laplacian(T) # Laplacian operator strain = grid.strain(U, V) #...
>Do you have an example dataset at hand (ideally available through opendap or in the cloud)? If yes, it would be lovely if you could write up an example after...
Just an update on this issue. I recently want to calculate PV and I'm pretty sure this is easy using `xgcm`. Although there are already examples like [here](http://wwwcvs.mitgcm.org/viewvc/MITgcm/MITgcm_contrib/gmaze_pv/) and [here](http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/roms_locean/browser/Roms_tools/Visualization_tools/ertel.m?rev=1),...
Thanks for the notes @jbusecke. Glad to know that @dcherian had already put boundary as a default setting. I notice that `grid.derivative` also has the kwarg `metric_weighted`. If this is...
I have to deal with a mix of Arakawa A- and C-grid datasets. When I calculate vorticity on A grid, I had to use the centered difference [as mentioned here](https://github.com/xgcm/xgcm/issues/209#issuecomment-684975495)...