Minh Dao

Results 19 issues of Minh Dao

Fixes comparisons of enums in `unrelated_type_equality_checks`. Currently: ```dart enum One { one } enum Two { one } void hello() { const one = One.one; const two = Two.one; if...


This PR alters `use_decorated_box` so it doesn't advise switching from a `Container` to a `DecoratedBox` when a nullable `Decoration?` expression is used because a `DecoratedBox` only accepts a non-null `Decoration`....

The constructor of a `State` object is not supposed to contain any logic. That logic should go into `State.initState()`. Fixes https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/3059

When the new buttons (ElevatedButton, TextButton, OutlinedButton) are styled the [recommended way](https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/ElevatedButton-class.html) using ThemeData, and TextStyle is added as a property, 'Roboto' is no longer loaded as the default font...


The `.gitignore` file inside `build` is moved to top-level to keep [all the related configuration information in one place](https://github.com/fortran-lang/fpm/pull/757#issuecomment-1254993484). It is created with `fpm new`. See https://github.com/fortran-lang/fpm/pull/757 for discussion.

While working with the [Modern Fortran](https://github.com/fortran-lang/vscode-fortran-support) plugin in VSCode, `.mod` files are continuously generated and I think it makes sense to exclude them from VC by adding them to `.gitignore`....

After going through the tutorials on the fpm website and learning about searching the registry for suitable packages with `fpm search`, I wondered if it made sense to integrate the...

CMake version `3.12` has introduced `generate_export_header()` for C projects ([see documentation](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/module/GenerateExportHeader.html)). 🙂 The version bump also fixes https://github.com/mcodev31/libmsym/issues/18.

I built [Avogadro](https://github.com/OpenChemistry/openchemistry), which has `libmsym` as a dependency, on a MacBook M1 and it worked fine after locally building/compiling and installing `libmsym` from the source code. However, it would...

- [x] Clear registry cache using the `--registry-cache` command option for `fpm clean`. - [x] Add tests for `--registry-cache`, `--skip` and `--all`. - [x] Throw error if `--skip` and `--all`...