contrib document still references facebook. we need to change this to ocp
in the table of valid artifacts for test steps, the measurements and series (start, end, element) have definition items in the right column which are missing links ref: https://github.com/opencomputeproject/ocp-diag-core/tree/main/json_spec#test-step-artifacts
The validator reference value field has a primitive type currently (bool, numeric, string), but for some of the types (set in, not in) it should also be a list of...
New feature: for usage in the test descriptor template json, add a new userfunc that takes the current server timestamp and renders it in the given format spec, as a...
there's some stale sections on the readme, fix badges and other links needs a general overhaul
Currently log entries only have job_id and run_id as fields coming from core. It would make debugging easier if the step label would be in the fields set. Other fields...
After feedback from multiple parties, it's not clear that the "name" in steps, targets managers, etc has to match with a plugin name from codebase. Should switch all "name" references...
Current state: the serialization/deserialization of JSON is done with the golang "encoding/json" package which only understands the standard ECMA flavor. It has proven useful to have comments in the input...
**Issue by [marcoguerri](https://github.com/marcoguerri)** _Wednesday Feb 05, 2020 at 12:51 GMT_ _Originally opened as https://github.com/facebookincubator/contest/issues/23_ ---- I have been thinking of how to implement single target cancellation for two reasons: 1)...
Currently, all of the parameters are expected to be lists, even when it is unnecessary (like the "binary" below). ```json { "name": "gathercmd", "label": "make_logdirs", "parameters": { "binary": ["mkdir"],