Excellent thanks, will have a better look at that 2moro and see if I can kludge something, and if I might be able to produce a commit-worthy form.
Hmm, below definitely wrong, pls ignore. "OK, so this is decidedly non-trivial: I was hoping that the CMSIS_5 debug part of picoprobe used bit-banging or custom PIO code on non-UART...
Yep, but always worth checking... my problem was going cross-eyed comparing GPn "pin" numbers with hardware pin numbers whilst comparing against pin 'offsets' in the code, so I totally missed...
Right, that's done and working (with _THREADED 1_) Tested openocd .elf upload and UART _(cmake ..)_ Tested openocd .elf upload and UARTs _(cmake -DEXTRA_UART=1 ..)_ Couldn't test at all with...
So am I creating a branch from master or develop?
Anticipating your 'Doh!', I'm looking for a confirmation before I begin work on something I _really_ don't want to have to do twice...
OK, thanks anyway. Have created a develop pull request #102 - should have done it from here, but live and learn...
#103 will close this