debugprobe copied to clipboard
export both pico hardware UARTs via picoprobe?
Is this impossible, something I could easily add, or a major feature request? I'm working with poll-based USB and LWIP and it would be really useful to see separate console windows for several 'concurrent' activities... Andy
#52 talks about "sends debug output to a secondary CDC" which perhaps points you in the right direction? :man_shrugging:
Excellent thanks, will have a better look at that 2moro and see if I can kludge something, and if I might be able to produce a commit-worthy form.
Hmm, below definitely wrong, pls ignore.
"OK, so this is decidedly non-trivial: I was hoping that the CMSIS_5 debug part of picoprobe used bit-banging or custom PIO code on non-UART GP pins, however the probe's hardware UART1 is already used for this, being connected to target pico's SWCK/SWIO ports. This means that the picoprobe can only bridge UART0 via USB-CDC, which it already does. The only way I can see to meet my requirement is to create additional software UART(s) using PIO which could then be bridged by replacing tud_cdc_* calls with their tud_cdc_n_* variants. As I have two projects on the go ATM and zero experience of pico PIOs, I have to stop here. Thanks to lurch for the initial pointer tho, Andy"
the probe's hardware UART1 is already used for this, being connected to target pico's SWCK/SWIO ports.
You do realise that UART1 can be muxed to multiple different GPIO pins? :slightly_smiling_face:
Yep, but always worth checking... my problem was going cross-eyed comparing GPn "pin" numbers with hardware pin numbers whilst comparing against pin 'offsets' in the code, so I totally missed that debug/SWD/CMIS was using already SPI0 not UART1. So yes, this actually is possible after all, simply by enabling uart mode on GP0 and GP1 and then using the tud_cdc_n_* variants in cdc_uart.c will give it all a try 2moro...
Right, that's done and working (with THREADED 1)
Tested openocd .elf upload and UART (cmake ..) Tested openocd .elf upload and UARTs (cmake -DEXTRA_UART=1 ..) Couldn't test at all with THREADED 0: openocd timed-out and uart took an age to initialise.
I currently have the unstaged changes in the working directory created 13:11 28th sept by:
git clone
cd picoprobe
git submodule update --init
I have zero experience contributing with git/github but found this (gulp): if you have a simpler guide I would be v happy... might be a good starting-point?
So am I creating a branch from master or develop?
Anticipating your 'Doh!', I'm looking for a confirmation before I begin work on something I really don't want to have to do twice...
So am I creating a branch from master or develop?
I dunno, that's probably a question for @P33M
OK, thanks anyway. Have created a develop pull request #102 - should have done it from here, but live and learn...
should have done it from here
Nope, in GitHub issues and Pull Requests are two separate things; so you've done the right thing :slightly_smiling_face:
(It's entirely up to you how you want to manage this issue, since you created it; but FYI the usual convention is that the issue stays open until the associated PR gets merged)
#103 will close this