There is not option for sharing the submission by the email with some token. Email template is: `share_submission`
I've made a comparison between the `local-types.xml` file from CLARIN-DSpace5 and CLARIN-DSpace7.2, because some local types are missing in the CLARIN-DSpace7.2. The full comparison with some notes is pinned below...
Refbox:  Content is not immediately copied: 
Item versions aren't showed in the same way like in the CLARIN-DSpace5:  Actually for showing Item history is used History Table: 
I'd like to ask if replacing the item with multiple items is considered a valid status. I'm struggling with these Items: - It is replaced by two items -...
Healthcheck tasks from the `healthcheck.cfg` are missing, it's these: - AdditionalInfoCheck - AssetstoreValidityCheck - CuratorCheck - LogsCheck - OAIPMHCheck - PIDCheck - ShibbolethCheck - SubmissionRightsCheck - VLOCheck
Curation tasks defined in the `curate.cfg` are missing: - RequiredMetadata - UpdateDcDescriptionUri - AddFilesMetadata - AddBrandingMetadata - UpdateDcDescriptionUri - ItemHandleChecker - ItemMetadataQAChecker - OpenAIRE - FixOpenAIREMetadata - FastLinkChecker - ProcessBitstreams...
There is no option for downloading all bitstreams as a single ZIP or to get download instructions for cmd in the DSpace7.*. Also is missing option to preview ZIP bitstream....
## Description Some cs messages added by NTK in this commit: weren't 100% correct. This PR aims to resolve some mistakes or start a discussion about the correct translation....