1. 2.
Please, where is used some value from `field + "_comp"`? I see it is indexed, but I cannot find where it is used except of this Another question: I...
@kosarko prosim ta, s ktorým userom si sa prihlasoval?
@kosarko Suhlasim, že ma vyhodiť error a nema ho prihlasiť. Na test deve mame momentalne rozbehany `ipd1`, takže nam vždy pošle `eppn` - NET_ID a keď BE vidí `eppn` tak...
@kosarko Yes, it is missing. Please where could I see that view from `description-olac.xml`? I guess the view in the is from the `description.xml`. How could I see the...
DSpace7.* offers OpenAIRE REST API which is used for fetching fresh data. OpenAIRE data provider class: API:
@kosarko Could be this issue closed? Is this answer sufficient?
@kosarko Customizing the configurable entities is necessary only because of `openaire4.xsl` crosswalk. Does the CLARIN-DSpace customization require the `openaire4` crosswalk? I haven't find it in the, so I suggest...
1. Funding autocomplete is fixed - it will be in the new release 2. Delete button when there is only one funding - I think this is not an error,...
@kosarko I managed to sign in successfully as the 'anon' user, but the user was only assigned to the 'Authenticated' group and not to 'IDP2'. The netid of the `anon`...