
Results 32 comments of milanmajchrak

> OK, `local.files.count` and `local.files.size` will be dropped because the file size and count of the files are counted in the FE and if that values are counted in the...

> `local.dataProvider` > > > > ``` > dspace=# select text_value from metadatavalue where metadata_field_id in (select metadata_field_id from metadatafieldregistry where element like '%dataProvider%'); > ``` > > ![image](

> `local.genre` **not used** (by us) no clue where it comes from > > edit: I guess we can drop it. But maybe some other installation uses it. What does...

I see OAI-PMH errors in the tomcat log, but how did you get ClarinDiscoJuiceFeedsDownloadService log into tomcat log? I hope log4j config will be enough.

We discovered that this error occurred due to the Nginx setup. I think we solved it here:

@kosarko you asked `how do I configure custom solr fields; static json for languages?` in the `lr.autocomplete.on`. I think the properties `lr.autocomplete.json_static.url` and `lr.autocomplete.solr.url` is not needed. - `lr.autocomplete.json_static.url`: instead...

@kosarko could this issue be closed? - we've been discussing about vocabularies for some time - languages are loaded from `lang_codes.txt` - we simply can create a custom Solr plugin...

Unfinished conversation about `lr.extrametadata.required.check.col.ids` OK: `Maybe…I don't think there are required metadata in the extrametadatastep atm; is there even extramdstep in 7?` Answer: Extrametadatastep is defined in the DSpace7 `item-submission.xml`,...

No it won't work because the embargo is not stored in the `local.embargo.termslift`.

Could it be closed? Is it still relevant?