Milad Reyhani

Results 13 comments of Milad Reyhani

I'm going to use it for our ticketing service. As you may know major services like Zendesk use a string like "## Please type your reply above this line ##"...

I didn't test it for L5 yet but i think it will work.

You have error because "provides" function in service provider. Please remove "provides" function from service provider and inform me if it's working.

Unfortunately, i don't have enough time to maintain this package. consider using : []( It's fully tested.

@p3ym4n Great work. I think you need to add tests to your package.

use toGregorian($j_y, $j_m, $j_d)

Add these 2 lines to your composer.json `"minimum-stability": "dev", "prefer-stable": true`

It's already optional! If you pass a variable as second argument of execute method of "CommanderTrait", "mapInputToCommand" won't execute.

"mapInputToCommand" could not be optional because trait is responsible for creating a command object and than pass it to CommandBus. If you pass null as second argument, "execute" will make...