On Ubuntu you could do a sudo updatedb && locate h2-icon.xpm If it's anywhere on the system, that should find it.
I might be misunderstanding this, but it sounds to me like the translations should be in an xml file, and then someone can set up a repo for the translated...
Just throwing this out there: What if there was an optional additional file that Hydrogen could look at for translations in the data/drumkits/xKit directory? something like i18n.xml which had fields...
I'm going blind here because I don't have Windows 10, but if you click start, and right click computer, then go properties, and look around the tabs you should see...
Borrowed and edited from the Java Docs. Windows 10 and Windows 8 In Search, search for and then select: System (Control Panel) Click the Advanced system settings link. Click Environment...
Just a note here that LADSPA plugins are not enabled in Hydrogen 1.0.0-Beta1 for Windows. When I have a little more time, I plan on compiling a version that has...