Any planning for creating a branch in Github?
``` com.github.searls jasmine-maven-plugin test false true ${project.basedir}/src/main ${project.build.directory}${file.separator}tests webapp/include/jquery/jquery.js webapp/js/OpenLayers.js webapp/js/ol/Control/ViewAttributes.js webapp/js/ol/Control/ModifyAttributes.js webapp/js/ol/Control/MergeCables.js webapp js/ol/Control/MergeCables.js tests/js/spec com.github.timurstrekalov saga-maven-plugin 1.4.2 coverage false http://localhost:${jasmine.serverPort} ${project.build.directory}/tests .*/spec/.* .*/jquery/.* .*/OpenLayers.* .*/ViewAttributes.* .*/ModifyAttributes.* ```...
Sorry timurstrekalov, but now, Im not using any (setTimeout/Interval). I was having the same problem with jasmine.mavin-plugin and after reading a while the issue seemed to be an htmlUnit problem...
Yeps I tryed other versions. I will see if I can test out 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT and get back to you!