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Plugin stalls at "Running tests"
Plugin stalls at "Running tests" taking about 5 minuts to complete. I had the same problem with jasmine-maven-plugin, and it seems to be a HTMLUnit issue that is solved by using PhantomJS. Anyway around htmlUnit on Saga?
5 minutes is the default timeout for background JS jobs. Is it possible that your code is spawning those (setTimeout/Interval) and isn't properly killing them?
Sorry timurstrekalov, but now, Im not using any (setTimeout/Interval). I was having the same problem with jasmine.mavin-plugin and after reading a while the issue seemed to be an htmlUnit problem with jquery 1.9.x and css selectores. With PhantomJs testes that took over 5 minutes with HTMLUnit where now being run instantly. I read somewhere here on github that you added an option to choose phantomjs, is that in any version that i can test out for you?
@mikhaelsantos I see! Have you tried using a different browser version (the "browserVersion" property) to change to, say, Chrome?
Speaking of PhantomJS, the current snapshot version (1.5.0-SNAPSHOT) has support for it, sort of (as described in #86), but, since it was never tested by anyone but me, the version is not released.
You are welcome to build it yourself and give it a whirl. Just clone it, run mvn install
and change to version 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT. The referenced issue (#86) has some notes on how to configure Saga to use PhantomJS.
Yeps I tryed other versions. I will see if I can test out 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT and get back to you!
I was having the same issue (stalled for 5 minutes). I was using 1.4.1. Updated to 1.5.0 and set the browserVersion to CHROME. Now it runs in 21s. :) Thanks!
EDIT: I lied, it's not working. I'm getting this error: [JS executor for com.github.timurstrekalov.saga.core.htmlunit.WebClientFactory$1@1d1c815] ERROR com.github.timurstrekalov.saga.core.htmlunit.QuietJavaScriptErrorListener - Script exception on page http://localhost:62498/, message: TypeError: Cannot find function addEventListener in object [object HTMLScriptElement]. (http://localhost:62498/public/.../requirejs/require.js#1867), failing line: null