how to uninstall this package from vscode?
Is it possible to run the demo using VS Code on Windows?
I got the following error when generating the terrain: IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. ForestGenerator.Generate (System.Single[,] heightMap, UnityEngine.Vector3[] normals, System.Single waterLevel, System.Int32 seed) (at Assets/TerrainGenerator/MgeeGames/ProceduralTerrainGenerator/Scripts/ForestGenerator.cs:86) TerrainMapGenerator.CreateForest...
In pygfx, we can easily create multiple objects either manually or using instanced drawing. However, all objects are usually rendered at the same time. Is it possible to make the...
Is it possible to run pygfx applications in a full-screen mode without the top "title" bar?
Most examples in the demos directory run smoothly without any issue. However, the glslify.glsl example: ``` #pragma glslify: snoise = require('glsl-noise/simplex/2d') float noise(in vec2 pt) { return snoise(pt) * 0.5...
The files `android_lib_build.sh` and `apple_lib_build.sh` seems only working on Linux. How to build Android and iOS app on Windows?
Thank you for the excellent WGSL shader toy. Is it possible to use the compute shaders and storage buffers in WgShadertoy? Compute shaders are considered an advantage over OpenGL. By...
Any plan to add ECharts-GL (3D) to Blazor?