Michael McLaren

Results 55 issues of Michael McLaren

I would like to use vim-pandoc (and vim-pandoc-syntax) on markdown files but not R-markdown files. I have tried the below options based on the help page "vim-pandoc-filetypes" and in all...

My example bibtex file has an entry of an edited volume, for which there is an editor field but not an author field. ``` @book{DeBruijn2011, address = {Hoboken, NJ, USA},...

### Prerequisites - [X] I am using the latest stable release of Neovim - [X] I am using the latest version of the plugin ### Neovim Version NVIM v0.9.4 ###...


I would not normally have parentheses in a path, but I have work within a Dropbox folder on my Mac which has parentheses in the folder name (created by Dropbox...

Given that it seems natural for users to read their taxonomy info into a data frame with column names as the rank names and row names as taxa names, I'm...

Background: R fitting functions like `lm()` and `nnet::multinom()`) support wrapping a term in `offset()` to indicate that the term should have a fixed coefficient of 1. I would like to...


A use case I sometimes find myself in when analyzing taxonomic bias in a CoDA framework is wanting to zero-out a specific set of observations (e.g. of a particular taxon...


Options: Put development on a `dev` branch (easiest); put stable version on CRAN (harder) or Bioconductor (hardest)

Possible interfaces: - Add a `.groups` argument to `mutate_sample_data()` etc that functions like that in `dplyr::with_groups()` - Add a `with_groups()` method that works on phyloseq objects


Problem: Currently one needs to do ```r GlobalPatterns %>% sample_data %>% as("data.frame") %>% count(SampleType) ``` This isn't so bad, but it's annoying to have to always explicitly coerce to a...
