Michael McLaren

Results 34 comments of Michael McLaren

I am having the same issue; setting `R_assign = 2` works as expected, but `R_assign = 3` or `R_assign = 0` lead to underscore expansion regardless of the context in...

Another option that doesn't require any change to Nvim-R is to define your own shortcut to run `bookdown::render_book()` in the current session, similar to `kr` for standard Rmarkdown rendering. E.g....

I just installed Biocode via this method and have one minor suggestion if these instructions are added to the README. I came here looking for a way to convert Genbank...

Thanks for your suggesting. No, I do not use vim-rmarkdown, but I do use Nvim-R. However, even with Nvim-R disabled (placed into the opt/ folder of native plugin management), vim-pandoc...

Phyloseq simply provides a container for a table that contains taxonomy information in a way that can be linked to the otu table and (optionally) reference sequences and phylogeny. It...

An example of how you might do this. ```r library(phyloseq) library(dplyr) # Just used for the pipe (%>%) data(GlobalPatterns) ps OTU Table: [10 taxa and 3 samples] #> taxa are...

I only used the pipe %>% to quickly pick the example bad taxa. You could equally do ```r fecal_samples

I'm on a Mac, and I started having a problem with nvim-treesitter being unable to compile the norg parser, and fixed it by telling nvim-treesitter to use the GCC compiler...

I came here to make a similar request. Where I find that the current behavior to be a problem is when navigating around the file in normal mode, since then...

Did some hacking on this and think I've achieved the desired behavior by changing the end of the definition of the `next-iteration` starting at https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg/blob/9021c7c7eefc1e11a8f1591f8cba5e118405336b/lua/neorg/modules/core/itero/module.lua#L140 to ```lua -- Determine the...