Mikyo King

Results 155 issues of Mikyo King

- [ ] min / max - [ ] p1/p99 - [ ] p75/p25 - [x] mean ```graphql { node(id: foo) { ... on Dimension { p1: dataQualityMetricTimeSeries(metric: p1) p1:...

Need to be able to pull metrics specifically for the reference dataset as well to be able to show lift.

- Garbage collect datasets directory(s) - Garbage collect exports / downloads(s) Questions - Do we GC when you `close_app`? - GC at starup? (simplest) - px.cleanup()? - manage the process...

help wanted

Need the ability to plot a single histogram chart that pulls the % volume values in each bin for both datasets.

Cases where we hit problems: Time is stored as `milliseconds` and we (currently) parse it as `seconds`. This is not clear (no documentation) ## Proposed solutions ### Solution 1 Sample...

help wanted

Not everyone is familiar with replace and doesn't understand why the schema of the two are different. The docs should make the schemas as declarative as possible. Found during UX...


Use anthropic evals to mimic UMAP visualizations and confidence scores - publish findings and gallery views in #phoenix-showcase