Mike DePaulo
Mike DePaulo
Can't we just use /etc/gai.conf instead to prefer IPv4 over IPv6? http://terokarvinen.com/2016/prefer-ipv4-on-ubuntu-16-04-lts-xenial-etcgai-conf-precedence-ffff0096-100
This issue is present under also.
@sunweaver Actually, NEdit is built against motif, not LessTif, as of Jessie. https://packages.debian.org/sid/libxm4 LessTif no longer even exists in Jessie. More details here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lesstif2/+question/239338
Thanks. I will try those out when I have more time to spend on this bug.
@uli42 I am working on packaging the latest version of NEdit for Fedora, and probably EPEL. I will check soon.
I just ran NEdit 5.7 successfully on Fedora 25 on nx-libs w/ X2GoServer nightly. I will test with CentOS/RHEL 7.3 soon.
@dkliban fyi, if you were developing a workaround for this in oci_env, you no longer need to.
@attzonko @nkrepo If you are using X2Go Client for Windows, I recommend replacing the Program FIles "x2goclient/VcXsrv" folder entirely with the "VcXsrv" folder that VcXsrv itself installs under Program Files....
I created branch [bugfix/bug3](https://github.com/ArcticaProject/vcxsrv/tree/bugfix/bug3) with winmultiwindow.patch reverted. It fixes the issue. However, I need to develop a real fix that fixes the issue that winmultinwindow.patch fixed [(X2Go bug 594)](http://bugs.x2go.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=594), without...
Hi @swizzly I just tried to reproduce this, but I was unable to. When I clicked into the gnome-terminal window form another window in the x-session, I produced 2 events....