Michael Alberter
Michael Alberter
Hi, my monitor is a Dell 27" monitor with 2k resolution. Display scaling is set to 100%, no additional zooms activated But I think I had the same problem on...
Hi, Is the JRE-Version relevant? I'm using 
Hi, I recorded a little screencast to show the effect: [Screencast](https://1drv.ms/v/c/749517c0ee6f82f5/EUf0y3dhRYNCoiBwGhp6gYEBuJXXWTBq02-MG8_6qJWJ2g?e=t9hPZy) Regards, Mike
Hi, what do you mean with "weird view"? I tried to maximize the window with the top bar and only use the the half screen and then fullscreen but the...
Hi, i tried the GUI-Reset but it didn't help. My installation is very old, I think i started to use PP around 2018 and have only updated ever since. Maybe...