Thank you for the excellent straightforward working module. I believe there is an error in instructions, as they refer to changing permissions for `tvservice` when the module actually uses `vcgencmd`...
The ROS navigation stack requires odometry (which seems a little strange to me IMO because of how good lidar localization can be). This robot platform does not provide accurate odometry,...
This will be hard because hardware i2c can't be used due to a RPi hardware limitation regarding i2c clock stretching. Possible options: - Use software i2c: undesirable because it will...
Create a high level launch file (or files), for launching robot software for autonomous navigation. This should include an RVIZ configuration that will allow sending graphical navigation commands to the...
Configure local planner settings to support autonomous nav. See: http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup
Setup the costmap for autonomous nav. See: http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup
Setup AMCL for robot localization against an apriori generated map. Tune any parameters as needed to get good localization performance. Use the chosen solution from #54 as the odometry source.
Rename idle state to sit state to more accurately represent it
Add ROS style API documentation to the nodes in this project. Define the messages that are published and subscribed to in each node, as well as parameters. See [ROS robot...
Improve the body shift motions that occur with the 8 phase gait. Currently these motions are discreet movements which occur in between leg swing cycles (so they occur when all...