I'm glad you were able to figure out how to modify the code to solve your issue. I'll reread through your comments again at some point to get a better...
Thanks for the comment with your code modification, I think I understand the issue now. I'll try to refactor some things so an arbitrary servo numbering will be supported.
I Echo @MZandtheRaspberryPi comments. Projects like this rarely have comprehensive step by step procedures, however a similar project that does have more information is the stanford quadruped pupper, which I...
Have you installed the required dependent ros packages? See readme for: ``` sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-joy sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rplidar-ros sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-hector-slam ```
This is a ros environment issue. Need to make sure you have setup your catkin workspace correctly, and environment vars, and have sourced `devel/setup.bash` correctly.
Hi. Sure you can create a fork and I can take a look to see what changes are necessary for this project to work in ubuntu 20.04.
Thanks! Nice work. I will take a look eventually, but don't expect a fast turnaround time. What do you have installed on raspberry pi? Ubuntu 20.04? Or raspbian? And are...
Sorry I haven't really been helping out on this. I haven't been working on the project recently, let alone migrating to newer Ubuntu. I did want to jump in and...
@jpereirajr Here is a basic diagram around the PCA9685 of how I power it. Servos are ultimately powered via a direct connection to a 2s lipo battery, while the circuit...
The contents of this repo should be in your `/home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/src` directory. It looks like you have it instead in `/home/ubuntu/catkin_ws/spotMicro` Can you please provide more information. Simply pasting your log...