Mike Lawrence

Results 63 issues of Mike Lawrence

Might not make a big performance difference, but a colleague suggested these when I was getting help understanding the code...

As reported [here](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ez4r/R1sH0Xxy_Zw), ezMixed appears to simply return NA's now, attributable to something having changed in how R detects dependencies (likely exacerbated by my hack-y use of `base::eval()`). Quick fix...

Or maybe remove this default behaviour? Can't recall why I did this in the first place.

Hadley doesn't think there will be any universal solution given the paucity of foreach's feedback, but possibly for macs using doMC and having users explicitly set the value of options('cores'),...

feature request

By default it's median, but should let user pass whatever centering function they want.

Currently ezANOVA simply uses the default contrasts specified by options("contrasts").

feature request

for SE computed from ezStats

feature request

###### # Notes from Rudolf Cardinal: ###### Re Levene's test etc.: I think I've found a definitive reference, starting on p592 (with the main bit on assumptions from p607) of...

feature request