Mike Thomas
Mike Thomas
> we'll need an image for this article. @chris-mcgillicuddy, I committed the images to this PR.
> Update: Makes sense to go ahead and get this ready to merge as is @eashaw, like with https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/pull/8478#issuecomment-1299367808, please can we redirect super admin users back to /admin/email-preview. Otherwise,...
@eashaw, please update the font for the code to Courier New.
@noahtalerman, @lukeheath's proposal looks great 🔥 Apologies for missing this.
Thanks. @eashaw. Let's go over this together tomorrow to review the UI changes because I don't think I'm set up to view the new fields locally – I get a...
@noahtalerman, Mo, and I spoke. He's going to write up an issue for me to start work on later this week.
@noahtalerman, I moved the queries team empty state to this spiffier page https://www.figma.com/file/hdALBDsrti77QuDNSzLdkx/%F0%9F%9A%A7-Fleet-EE-(dev-ready%2C-scratchpad)?node-id=10791%3A319238
> @mike-j-thomas FYI: The mobile tooltip icons are not buttons, and the "learn more" link is clickable inside the tooltip. I did this to prevent users from opening the link...
Hey @eashaw, thoughts on changing mobile behavior to open the tooltip as a modal? That way, we can include a close button to dismiss. https://github.com/fleetdm/fleet/assets/78363703/5fbe9e22-daa8-4daf-99fd-6a4116a1268c Please let me know what...
Hey @nonpunctual, here's a link to the Figma draft for `/deploy`. Let's fill in the blanks and get it to design review early next week. I left a todo for...