Mika Hänninen
Mika Hänninen
Probably extending functionalities of the O365 package. https://pypi.org/project/O365/ https://github.com/O365/python-o365
At the moment `WindowsElement` contains property `item` which represents underlying `Control` object of the _uiautomation_ package. Property contains details which could be exposed as keywords and/or listed as properties in...
All keywords should have a clear indication of the content of the keyword return value. Library documentation should contain - more refined examples on the library keyword usage - any...
additions - [ ] add info level logging on which action keyword executed - [ ] check at the end if the value was actually changed - error if not...
Current implementation expects user to enter number for specific file format based on this [specification](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.xlfileformat) . ```robotframework Save excel as legacy.xls file_format=${56} ``` possible additional support would be to determine...
RPA.Robocorp.Process. Add support for cursoring complete set of results and fix `itemState` filter
- [ ] add state filter directly to the request posted to the API - [ ] example provided by Matti Tuomi for handling request cursor ```python params={"includeData": str(include_data).lower()} if(cursor):...
Current parameters: ```python criterion: Union[str, dict] = None, target_folder: str = None, source_folder: str = None, ``` More logical would be (like it is in the similar keyword in Exchange...
``` *** Settings *** Library RPA.Desktop.Windows *** Tasks *** Minimal task Open Dialog windowtitle=Processed wildcard=True ${elements}= Get Window Elements element_json=True FOR ${elem} IN @{elements} Log To Console ${elem} END Log...
The **RPA.Archive** library does not properly support appending files into a ZIP archive. Similar behavior with TAR archive. Reported by _Tian du Toit_ (Developer Slack user). There are 2 issues:...
Currently `RPA.Dialogs` library has keyword `Add File Input` but it does not allow selecting folders. Add a parameter to existing keyword to allow selecting folders or create separate keyword for...