Mika Hänninen

Results 32 comments of Mika Hänninen

rpaframework.org is going to be ditched in the future so that we would have single documentation place (docs.robocorp.com) so some of the issue content is not worth the effort

on "Return Robot Framework DotDict instead of dict?" why? what is the benefit ?

There have been no requests that I have seen for the feature. I will close this one.

This is related to the issue which would allow passing extra arguments to the library. https://github.com/robocorp/rpaframework/issues/258 Python example ``` from selenium import webdriver chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() chrome_options.add_argument("--incognito") driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)...

@vincentmathis Hi. It is **not** good practise to name user keyword with the same name as library keyword (**Open Browser**). I guess in this case the keyword `Open Browser` you...

Ok ;) Well this worked for me.. ```robotframework *** Settings *** Library RPA.Browser.Selenium Library OperatingSystem *** Variables *** ${FILENAME} generated.pdf ${DOWNLOAD_DIR} ${CURDIR} *** Tasks *** Download CSV Reports from Kibana...

@vincentmathis the `Set Download Directory` works with` Open Available Browser`. To make this work with `Open Browser` keyword, you need to set following Chrome preferences: ```python "download.default_directory": "ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_DIR", "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally": True/False,...

Possible bug, but needs to be investigated further.

@GSymonow Hi. Can you show in a bit more detail how you are sending attachments ? For me following worked on MacOS (I will check the Windows tomorrow) ``` Send...

And I think the MS Graph API is REST API so then it could be implemented without external dependencies.