Mihai Morariu
Mihai Morariu
The pixelNeRF paper will be added to the repository: https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.02190 **Tasks to be completed** - [x] Implement DTU dataset loader - [x] Implement the encoder - [x] Implement the NIF...
The installation procedure currently requires running the `post_install.bash` script in order to install `torchsearchsorted` and `torch_scatter`. These dependencies should be added to `setup.py` instead, allowing users to install PyNIF3D simply...
Implement the DTU dataset loader for the pixelNeRF paper. **Tasks to be completed** - [x] Implement the color jitter - [x] Implement the on-the-fly loading - [x] Review **Definition of...
Integrate all the components of PixelNeRF into the pipeline. **Tasks to be completed** - [ ] Implement PixelNeRF pipeline - [ ] Add unit tests - [ ] Review **Definition...
Add helper function for pixel to camera conversion. **Tasks to be completed** - [ ] Implement the helper function - [ ] Add unit tests - [ ] Review **Definition...
The implementation of `torchsearchsorted` that is currently being used does not support multi-batch processing. A `for` loop in currently being used in NeRF training for handling a batch size larger...