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The Sunniest Semantic Version Bumper

Results 146 beachball issues
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After installing beachball into a repo, we saw an issue where beachball published the wrong files (no build output in the package). I narrowed this down to the presence of...


We tried using the `lerna link convert` command, which apparently puts links in the root (workspace) package.json: ```json { "name": "root", "private": true, "devDependencies": { ... }, "workspaces": [ "src/*"...


Currently the beachball allows to specify a custom renderer for the file at the repository level. So, we cannot have a custom renderer at the package level. We can...


We're looking at adopting Beachball, but in addition to our standard releases, we need nightly releases tagged as `dev` on NPM. Is there a way to use Beachball to publish...


Hello 👋 Npm currently supports MFA for publishing, but beachball errors out. It would be awesome if `beachball publish` would prompt me for my OTP. Currently I can either downgrade...


This would be useful in cases of buildxl boxes that do not have a checkout source dir... or direct git push rights without some kind of API call to a...


Sometimes it's helpful to be able to see exactly what publish is going to do without actually publishing anything. Today beachball doesn't have an option which completely handles this.


Sometimes it would be useful to be able to specify multiple packages for the `--package` option. (Real example: force publishing a new patch of several packages after fixing a shared...


To run `beachball change` the upstream is ideally the main branch of the main repo. Some engineers clone their github fork whereas others clone the main github repo and push...
