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The Sunniest Semantic Version Bumper

Results 146 beachball issues
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Currently in change file, we collect: 1. Change type: patch, minor, major, none 2. comment: author to describe the change We should support a way for author to future group...


We are using beachball, and our team uses 4 spaces instead of 2 spaces for formatting our package.json files. When Beachball bump runs, it adjusts this to a hardcoded amount...


- Check-in message for publish should be customizable in beachball's config file. (in this case check-in message should be differentiated to change file message) - It will be better if...

good first issue Would be great if we could personalize it. For example, today I'm using commitzen as our conversion and it breaks our pre-hook commit message lint.

good first issue

# Motivation The feature "[support for the dedicated release branch flow](" will require support for package management in Beachball. Version and changelog updates must be managed when altering package structure....


In the case where Beachball is publishing multiple packages to npm, it's possible to publish a package to npm but not push changes to Git because another package fails to...


It also fails with tests randomly.... we need to reinvestigate the e2e testing strategies. ![image]( ![image](


when there are public packages without a version (or invalid version) will cause the publish to fail.


Steps to repro: 1. Package A depends on Package B 1. Package A disallows prerelease change types 1. Package B is a prerelease version 1. Package B sees a prerelease...
