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The Sunniest Semantic Version Bumper

Results 146 beachball issues
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# Challenges The current bumping flow of the Beachball introduces a few challenges: - Potential inconsistency between versions on the master, and artifacts published to NPM. - Code reverts require...


If you run `beachball publish` from a location other than the root of the git repo, beachball fails to find the change files and reports `Invalid change file change/foo`. The...

When beachball change commits change files, those files should be subject to the same pre-commit logic as regular changes in a repo.

Handle partial publishes: minispec: - add a "sync" command that can synchronize a partially updated git repo with the current versions of the published npm packages. - ~delete change files...

Currently we have user email for each change: ![image]( We should change to @githubUsername (e.g. @xugao) Instead of email:

When a missing package is detected from registry, beachball should default to publishing the new package.

change and check do not operate correctly when the branch is in an unmergeable state. we need to give warning about this.

When a package is marked private, we skip the publish and the change file deletion step but we still incorrectly bump all the versions of dependent packages. This leads to...

From feedback we can do better with the dependent package changes. ## 1. prompt for dependent bump change type At the time of calling `beachball change`, we should prompt user...

quick design: add a `beachball.config.js` or package.json npm script to call a "postSuccessfulPublish" script