mike mendelsohn
mike mendelsohn
Question / Feature Request: Is it possible to have the permissions set so that the site requires login, however if you share a video have the video open to the...
I have an un-enhanced apple //e. running a BMOW Yellowstone card and a FloppyEMU. I have tried a few different versions of Total Replay including the latest 5.0. When it...
Waveshare V3 is all over Amazon, and many people are buying the V3 display. Version 1.5.5 does not have support for V3 in it; i.e. ui.display.type = "waveshare_3" Please bundle...
I have an xbox controller model 1708, ive tried a few of them. when pressing the xbox center button there is nothing registered under miscButtons. When I try a PS4...
Hello @olikraus , I have implemented up and down buttons, prevField and nextField respectively. I have implemented a select button, sendSelect, What I cant figure out is how to implement...
Something changed on NimBLE-Arduino on version 1.4.2, bleGamepadConfig.setVid(0xe502); bleGamepadConfig.setPid(0xabcd); Doesn't work any longer. No matter what its the same value VID=0x02e5, PID=0xcdab even if set to the above or anything...