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A graphical front-end for command line emulators that hides the underlying operating system and is intended to be controlled with a joystick or gamepad.
Running the latest AM on a core2 duo windows 7 32 bit machine with an Ipac4 and a Happ 3" trakball. I tried to set up the trakball to scroll...
I have a short looping background video in my system selection layout. On AM 2.6.1 official release it keeps looping without issue. On a nightly build, the video is either...
When using add_image the preserve_aspect_ratio flag is not applying correctly unless used in a very specific manner. When using the following the aspect is _not_ preserved and the image is...
Some entries contain characters with accent marks. examples: Piñata, Fútbol Logos, box arts, etc. do not appear when using the current nightlies, Matching is somehow broken. This works in release...
`local bg = fe.add_image( FeConfigDirectory+"gtc-common/videos/bkg_anim.mp4", 0, 0, flw, flh );` Doesn't produce the same result in daily build as in stable release. In daily build there is a delay effect...
Hi, During some tests I am doing with Oomek, we have found what we believe to be a bug concerning the image cache in the latest AM nightly build. Oomek...
Hi there, all the threads have the same name. it would be brilliant to have a different name for each threads. it would be then much easier to track what...
It appears that the VerAdded field present in the catver.ini file isn't being impoorted when generating a romlist. For example, their is on VerAdded data in the generated romlists\mame.txt I'm...
A hard power cut on PC sometimes causes a corruption of and at next startup Attract Mode won't open. Deleting and script.nv clears the problem. Could you catch...
the $PROGDIR variable within my [emulator].cfg file is replaced by an empty string on my Mac setup. This applies to all cases I have used it for, such as to...