Michelle Ma
Michelle Ma
**User Story** As a project owner, I want to learn why I need to connect my wallet so that I can apply to a round on Grant Hub **Acceptance Criteria:...
- [ ] Generally: update copy throughout app (TBD - Product to sync with MMM) Pages: **Create Project** - [ ] Mark Required vs. optional field (image fields are optional)...
Note: from Daniele's PR, the list of projects are coming from the subgraph (metadata is still being fetched from IPFS). Tasks: - [ ] Need to start integrating application with...
**User Story** As a project owner, I want to get to the round application page for my chosen grant program so that I can apply for that round **Acceptance Criteria:**...
Problem: When we upload the project metadata on IPFS and send a transaction, the subgraph is listening to contract events for when an event is fired. When you upload a...
Four key objectives - [ ] How will users contact support for help - [ ] How will users be able to access knowledge base articles (i.e. specific articles, FAQ,...
We may want to brainstorm how we will educate the user to switch networks when you're applying to a round deployed on a different network than you are connected to