Michelle Ma
Michelle Ma
TODO: will add user story, acceptance criteria, etc. - on invalid input, the "preview" button should be disabled (like how we handle for this on create project flow) - should...
**Tasks** - [ ] Add error states to application (see below) - should name any required fields in the error box that have not filled out
Tasks **Project Details** (see screenshots below) - [x] Add “last edited” copy to the edit timestamp with "Last Edited: , " - [x] Add "created on" timestamp with just the...
**User Story** As a project owner, I want to know what makes a website URL valid or invalid so that I can enter in a valid website URL for my...
**User Story** As a project owner, I do not want to see the "apply to a round" banner or modal after I've applied to a round so that I do...
Currently, a user could select "blank" as an option when applying to a round. We need to remove this blank option, and prevent a user from applying to a round...
Original designs:
From @michellema1208: it currently does not look like we're reading the actual round and grant dates from a round (seems to be set to default 1970 dates)
TBD - pending exact specs / font type + size from design